On September 10, 2015, the Guinness record as the world's most authoritative certification bodies created 61 anniversary of officially announced the launch of the latest copyright library of the Guinness Book of world record for 2015. Below are compiled by global network group of Guinness novelty records collection, let us look at these strange most of the cattle were created in the world.  Mouth up teethAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  From India 27 years old boy Vijay Kumar V.A 37 teeth, 5 more than the average person than the average person.  Feet of the world's greatest (male)Alt OtterBox iPhone 5 CasesAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  From Venezuela 20 years old young man Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez with the living person's largest feet, 40.1 cm long with the right foot, left foot 39.6 cm long, his shoes were always from Germany the special order.  Most couplesAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  World's tallest couple from China, her husband Sun Ming Ming (33 years old) and his wife very often (29 years old) two people added a total of 423.47 cm in height. Among them, Sun Ming Ming 236.17 cm tall, very often 187.3 cm tall.  On August 4, 2013, got married two men in Beijing. Sun Ming Ming, and very often are athletes, Sun Ming Ming is a basketball player, very often it is a handball player.  Largest tear a phone book in a minute (female)Alt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  From the United States the great woman of Central Park, Austin, TX, Linsey Lindberg tear 5 phone book. Her troupe from youth, starting at the age of 25 will create some attention to strength feats, and break the record "a minute with crushing of the biceps the most apples" (10) and "roll pans up to a minute" (6).  Longest rabbit furAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  On August 17, 2014, from United States, California, two year old Angora rabbits Franchesca, measured the body hair length 36.5 cm, record of success. This rabbit will often be mistaken for a Pug, and needs a lot of care.  Wearing clogs ran the fastest 100 metersAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  From Germany's Andre Ortolf clogs can be worn running and can run 100 meters in only 16.27 seconds.  The fastest turtleAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  On July 9, 2014, from the United Kingdom known as "Bertie" turtle crawl rate of 0.28 m/s, 6 minutes after climbing 100 metres, is tortoise twice times the average crawl speed in General, becomes world's fastest crawling turtle.  The longest bicycle Alt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  On August 5, 2011, the Netherlands people Mijl Van Maers Werkploeg has built the world's longest bicycle 35.79 meters in length, only one before and one after the two wheels, and need two people to operate.  Dogs with claws up to within a minute of the ballAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  On March 22, 2015, one from Japan 9 football dog Purin, her claws had 14 goals within one minute, and successfully set a new Guinness world record title. She broke the previous from his own record of 11 goals.  The biggest hot dog sale OtterBox iPhoneAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  The world's largest hot dog sale car for 2.81 meters in width and 7.06 meters long, to 3.72 meters high the handlebars on the ground, the wheel has a diameter of 1.86 meters, fully 1.5 telephone booth so big. Owners of this car is from the United States known as the "hot dog man" by Marcus, he's a 44-year old cook.  Most number of minutes turning the small wheel rims OtterBox iPhone 5 CasesAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  From Japan's Takahiro Ikeda can be turned within a minute of BMX number 83, he was already 3 Guinness world records holder of the title.  The largest cowboy boot sculptureAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  This pair of cowboy boots for the world's largest sculpture is 10.4 meters high, are from United States, Texas, 72-year old Bob Wade built into this extraordinary sculpture is standing beside the highway to San Antonio.  The largest collections of Batman memorabiliaAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  On October 25, 2013, from United States, Indiana, Kevin Silva total of 2,501 different collections of Batman memorabilia, Kevin Silva is an avid fan of Batman, start collecting now for 45 years.  Biggest ball-point penAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  The world's biggest ball-point pen is manufactured by Acharya Makunuri Srinivasa, the total length of 5.5 meters, indeed, spectacular.    The widest HornAlt Guinness 2015 wonderful records: world's tallest couple in China  "Big Red907" this is a big star in a book. However in a new book sent India a few days ago, from the United States in Kansas "Lazy j" set a new record. Lazy j length of horn measured 5.7 cm longer than the Big Red, 293.8 cm total length, width of the equivalent of five washing machine! In this year's books, you can see Big Red and the Lazy j style.[Article correction]Collection is the collection of 1542Tags: Science and technology And anecdotes